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Universitas. Aprender a traducir

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  Aprender a traducir del francés al español. Guía didáctica

The manual, which is accompanied by a teaching guide sold apart, allows a start in the basic principles ruling the practice of professional trans...
  PVP: 12,00€
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Aprender a traducir del francés al español

The manual, which is accompanied by a teaching guide sold apart, allows a start in the basic principles ruling the practice of professional trans...
  PVP: 20,00€
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  Apprendre le français... pour traduire des textes de spécialité

The goal of this manual, that has the book and a didactic guide, standalone selling, is to help both translators and students of this discipline ...
  PVP: 30,00€   PDF: 12,90€
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Apprendre le français... pour traduire des textes de spécialité. Guía didáctica

Accompanying the book entitled Apprendre le français pour traduire des textes de spécialité this guide is published including useful information ...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
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  Primeros pasos hacia la interpretación Inglés-Español. 2ª edición

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This manual focuses on the teaching-le...

  PVP: 26,00€   PDF: 13,00€
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Primeros pasos hacia la interpretación Inglés-Español. Guía didáctica. 2ª edición

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The series ¿Aprender a traducir¿ incor...

  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 6,00€
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  Estrategias, materiales y recursos para la traducción jurídica inglés-español

The aim of this work - which consists of a book and a teaching guide which are sold separately - is to help translators and trainee translators t...
  PVP: 26,00€
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Estrategias, materiales y recursos para la traducción jurídica inglés-español. Guía didáctica

This teacher guide offers answers to some of the proposed activities that appear within the manual and also offers suggestions to its explotation...
  PVP: 12,00€
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  Traducción alemán-español. Aprendizaje activo de destrezas básicas

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Through a wide range of activities org...

  PVP: 21,00€
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Traducción alemán-español. Aprendizaje activo de destrezas básicas. Guía didáctica

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This guide accompanies German-Spanish ...

  PVP: 11,00€
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  Targeting the Source Text. A Coursebook in English for Translator Trainees (Teacher's Guide)

Despite the evident need that the translatings be experts in the use of its tongues of work, has themselves written very little on the question o...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
Further information
Targeting the Source Text. A Coursebook in English for Translator Trainees

Despite the obvious need of translators as experts in the use of its languages of work, little has been written about the issue of how translator...
  PVP: 20,00€   PDF: 8,60€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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