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Problemas de química general para tecnología y ciencias experimentales
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Compendium of problems for student... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 9,00€
Teoría de la democracia. Una apuesta por la participación
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A world order capable of ordering global economic process... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 0,00€ EPUB: 0,00€
Notas de teoría del derecho. 2 edición
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An essential guide to facilitate ... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 9,00€ EPUB: 9,00€
Manual para la investigación feminista y de género
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Manual para la prevención de la violencia de género
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Manual para agentes de igualdad
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Manual de igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres en el ámbito público y privado
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Griego moderno
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Today we are fully aware of the charac... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Cuaderno práctico de electrocardiografía
El manual está planteado de forma que pueda ser abordado por un lector que carezca de conocimientos extensos en la materia y pueda ir adquiriéndo... PVP: 15,00€
Mediación policial: la reflexión sobre la reflexión
Vivimos tiempos de resituación social. Necesitamos ahora más que nunca la razón y la emoción para afrontar los nuevos desafíos, cuestionando lo e... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Dret públic de la Comunitat Valenciana
El contenido de este libro recoge lo esencial del derecho público de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se estructura en cinco capítulos dedicados, respect... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
Nuevas tecnologías, nuevas sensibilidades
We live in a world where the democratisation of new information and communication technologies has united the planet with an unprecedented speed.... PVP: 12,00€ PDF: 5,15€
Maquetas, modelos y moldes:materiales para dar forma a las ideas
Navarro Lizandrea 's new Edition book, that currents substantially the one before. A guide for those people who need to show a formal idea in a r... PVP: 20,00€
Informes periciales en edificación
After the recent real-estate boom and the chronic problems dragged out by the building sector in Spain, it is obvious that there is a lack of tra... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Evaluar e investigar en la situación educativa universitaria. Un nuevo enfoque desde el EEES
The intention is to contribute to the pedagogical formation of university teachers regarding to educational evaluation, and to introduce it withi... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Desarrollo del máster y doctorado oficial de enfermería en España
In this work there are collected more than two decades of effort made by the Spanish nursing collective to make the nursing formation an adapted ... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Intervención y mediación familiar
This manual borns as a result of the first three editions of the university master entitled Intervención y Mediación Familiar. It will help to st... PVP: 30,00€ PDF: 12,90€
Fundamentos de biología básica
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Complete manual where chemical compone... PVP: 17,00€ PDF: 7,30€
Micrófonos: mirando el sonido
The catchment of the detail demands dexterity, experimentation and patience to a sound operator. This implies to recognise the artistic side of t... PVP: 18,00€
Equipos e infraestructuras audiovisuales
In order to offer an exhaustive information about the architectural conditions, the different types of spaces and the equipment configurations de... PVP: 18,00€
Principales itinerarios artísticos en la plástica y la arquitectura del siglo XX
With the objective of making a rereading of the main artistic itineraries of the 20th century, and a contribution to the theory of contemporary a... PVP: 40,00€
El desarrollo psicológico infantil. Áreas y procesos fundamentales
During the first years of life what will be the pillars of our human condition is constituted, all of this subject to an interaction between heri... PVP: 24,00€ PDF: 10,30€
English Communication for International Business II
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Dibujo Técnico
Theoretical knowledge, comprehension exercises and sample examinations with answers make this lavishly illustrated work an essential tool for stu... PVP: 15,00€
Manual de medicina legal policial
The corts look for exact and unequivocal truths about the judged facts more and more frequently. Given the importance of the scientific methods t... PVP: 36,00€ PDF: 15,45€
L'aventura de l'esser humà: una aproximació a l'antropologia
With the aim of reflecting upon the dignity of every human being from a philosophical point of view and of legitimating the need to respect human... PVP: 20,00€
English Communication for International Business I
The volume is conceived as a self-learning material as it includes the keys
to most activities although it needs to be supported by the instructo... PVP: 18,00€
Curso de Climatología General
This handbook aims at providing a clear and concise, yet rigourous approach to the complex set of elements and factors responsible for the climat... PVP: 17,00€ PDF: 7,30€
Dealing with Business: Basic English for the Enterprise
An autonomous business English learning handbook designed for students who wish to be acquainted with the business world, and for those who need ... PVP: 17,00€
Valores básicos de la identidad europea
Conscious of the validity and of the extremely topical debate, in this publication the authors expose which are the values, principles and belief... PVP: 17,00€ PDF: 7,30€
Starting English for tourism studies
The students that agree to the university studies of Tourism arrange with this book of a basic tool with specific exercises and CD-AUDIO, to rein... PVP: 16,00€
Business english in the University Classroom
The first edition of Business English in the University Classroom was a great success, getting excellent reviews, and his author has updated and ... PVP: 16,00€
Netlingüistics. Language, Discourse and Ideology in Internet
Netlinguistics is here presented as a comprehensive linguistic framework account for language usage and change in Internet. This book proposes th... PVP: 13,00€
Lecciones de derecho comparado
An important news that analyzes of way compared the Right of countries of the five continents, its objective and method, as well as the delimitac... PVP: 20,00€
Introducción a la comunicación financiera
The factors negatius of the globalization, the fast development of the offering of the new teconlogias, done not synchronize with the effective d... PVP: 14,00€
Ingeniería de proyectos informáticos: actividades y procedimientos
The authors offer a guides metodológica basic for the design, development and management of projects, that tambien contemplates inside extensive ... PVP: 10,00€
Bases lingüísticas y metodológicas para la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa
The linguistic system of the English language and the investigation in the applied field of the linguistic one presented/displayed of practical w... PVP: 16,00€
Conservar el devenir: en torno al patrimonio cultura valenciano
The last regulations on the conservation of the patrimony and the reflection on the importance of the conservation and the best management and ap... PVP: 11,00€
Informàtica aplicada a la química
Its aim is to show how to create EXCEL spreadsheets to solve problems by using the advantages in data processing and graphical display offered by... PVP: 5,50€
Teoria i pràctica de la traducció general espanyol-català
The teaching of translation is an innovative theme, and this book combines, with an accurate graphic representation and an excellent coherence, t... PVP: 13,00€
Manual de matemáticas para preparación olímpica
Questions such as divisibility and basic concepts about the theory of numbers, equations, congruencies and metrical geometry¿ are collected in th... PVP: 21,00€ PDF: 9,00€
Principales itinerarios artísticos del siglo XX
It is like a game with many lineal and transversal readings, which run along the work producing a fertile intersection between history, theory an... PVP: 19,23€
Learning English to Trade
Includes a book and a CD-ROM designed for those people with a low level of the English language but with a high interest to have a good command o... PVP: 14,00€
Introducción práctica a Microsoft Word 6
Does not be a matter of a guide of user neither of a manual of reference. It is a matter of a work of great utility and interest for those perso... PVP: 9,02€
Proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje universitario
An innovative and original work that includes basic psycho-pedagogic guides that university teachers should know to improve their educational pra... PVP: 13,00€ PDF: 5,60€
Manual de comptabilitat pública
This is an essential handbook of public accounting, which clearly and systematically exposes the conceptual analysis and the development of econo... PVP: 11,00€