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Interculturalidad, salud y convivencia: saberes, discursos y prácticas de la inmigración marroquí en Castellón
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Health conflicts in migratory contexts... PVP: 24,00€ PDF: 10,30€
Género y desarrollo
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Universities have a track record as ag... PDF: 11,15€
Tendresa i equitat en els processos de cura
How can we achieve fair, non-sexist, engaging forms of care? What are the characteristics of peaceful caring? This book is structured around thes... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Migraciones africanas y desarrollo
Many of the views, analyses and projections on African migration presented in this publication have continued to develop and become more relevant... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€
Mujeres y guerra
Contemporary conflicts have a multidimensional impact on gender relations and it is particularly in the context of war where women are involved i... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
El iris de la paz. Paz y conflictos en la independencia de Venezuela
The book title proposes, deliberately, that the independence of Venezuela could be seen as a whole or through many of its episodes, as a process ... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Ética y neurociencias. La aportación a la política, la economía y la educación
Neurosciences have achieved in the last years an obvious preponderance in the field of scientific investigation. The expectation raised by the ad... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€
Democracia, derechos humanos y desarrollo
Development aid should be based in an integral concept of itself, the one that not only includes economical progress, but also fundamental rights... PVP: 25,00€ PDF: 10,75€
No matar es posible
It exists the prevailing assumption on that killing is an inexorable part of human condition that must be accepted in political practice and theo... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Comunicación para la paz en acción: Periodismos, conflictos, alfabetización mediática y Alianza de Civilizaciones.
This book is part of the work developed by the department for research in communication for peace of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace and... PVP: 20,00€ PDF: 8,60€ EPUB: 8,60€
Cooperación al desarrollo y alternativas frente a la crisis
The projects presented deal with the local development, co-development, peace studies, humanitarian action, education for development, and transv... PVP: 30,00€ PDF: 12,90€
Experiencias internacionales sobre microfinanzas
Regarding to the designation of Muhammad Yunus as doctor honoris causa, this manual is presented as a reflexion about the power of microcredits i... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Filosofía en acción
The main objective which is implemented in the Cátedra Unesco de Filosofía para la Paz in Jaume I University is perfectly obvious in the book, wh... PVP: 24,00€
Un diálogo sin fronteras
In the first clash of modern civilizations, Bartolomé de Las Casas lodged the first moral veto against the wars of conquest. Championed for dialo... PVP: 18,00€
Los estudios post-coloniales. Una introducción crítica
Interest in postcolonial studies has increased due to their vast analytical and critical potential for research into the relationship between cul... PVP: 18,00€ PDF: 7,75€
Migración e interculturalidad
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Amartya K. Sen y la globalización
The strategic struggle between ideological rivals at the time of the Spanish Republic was as important as the military conflict, or even more so.... PVP: 15,00€ PDF: 6,45€