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Home > Publications > Estudis jurídics

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   Collection: Estudis jurídics  Serial Number: 7
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-383-7

Title: La adquisición de las servidumbres por el transcurso del tiempo
Derecho romano, derecho germánico, tradición romanística y Furs de València
Authorship: Lázaro Guillamón, María del Carmen
Pages: 236
Size: 21 x 15
Edition: 1 (2002)
Price: 14,00 €
Binding: Rústica
Support: paper

Originality and modernity in this excellently documented work are realised by the lack of studies about the impress of Roman juridical sources and sources about Roman tradition in the Furs de València. It concludes with a definition about the considerable magnitude of that presence in our medieval civil laws. The study is included in the latest trends of the current doctrine devoted to the "reception" of Roman Law, with the aim to determine its influence in European arrangements.

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