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   Collection: Universitas  Serial Number: 47
   ISBN: 978-84-10349-11-7

Title: Teoría de la democracia. Una apuesta por la participación
Authorship: García Marzá, Vicente Domingo
Pages: 223
Size: 1.30 Mb
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 0,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - EPUB
Other formats:

* free down load

A world order capable of ordering global economic processes in order to promote the free
development of peoples, their cultures and ways of being, is the challenge facing democracy
today. With a global civil society, structured around thousands of civic organizations that make
up public opinion, we must not fall into the mistake of identifying democracy and state. Civil
society is an active part of democracy and its influence is, today, one of the basic pillars for its
construction. This is the main thesis of this book.

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions
Edifici de Rectorat i Serveis Centrals
Campus del Riu Sec
Tel.: +34 964728819 - Fax: +34 964728832
Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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0,00 €

Until further notice, paper books and merchandising products will only be served within the territory of the Spanish State. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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