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   Collection: Estudis jurídics  Serial Number: 24
   ISBN: 978-84-17429-99-7

Title: Diálogos jurídicos España-México. Volumen VII
Authorship: Fernández Hernández, Antonio (ed.lit.)
 Aymerich Ojea, Ignacio
 Díaz Lafuente, José
 Arriaga Hurtado, Itzel
 Elizalde Castañeda, Rodolfo Rafael
 González Galindo, Gustavo
Pages: 147
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2019)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica cosida
Support: Paper
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The book you have in your hands is the latest volume (the seventh) which reflects the results of the agreement signed, over a decade ago, between the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló and the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Once again, lecturers from both universities examine, in parallel, the way their respective legal systems address various issues that are currently of relevance in the two countries.
On this occasion three specific issues are explored: from the perspectives of constitutional law and international law, the recognition of sexual orientation and genre identity as a human right. Based on legal sociology, attention is paid to the impact of the financial sufficiency of the State and the predictability of the tax system on the efficiency of human rights. Finally, from the Mexican perspective, an analysis is performed of the official policies regarding public safety generated in recent years.
This new contribution delves deeper into the comparisons between the different regulations of the two countries, thus fulfilling the mission of spreading knowledge to which both universities are committed.

 Séptimo Rodríguez, Enrique

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