Title: | L'assaig periodístic de Joan F. Mira
| | Authorship: | Serra Adsuara, Sergi | Pages: | 256 | Size: | 17 X 24 | Edition: | 1 (2019) | Price: | 18,00 € | Language: | Català | Binding: | Rústica cosida amb solapa | Support: | Paper | Other formats: |  |
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Joan Francesc Mira has a solid track record in the field of Catalan literature over the last four decades. His intellectual and creative versatility covers diverse genres, some of the most significant being narratives, essays, anthropological studies, translation and essay articles. Particularly, the journalistic essay has been part of the multifaceted work of the Valencian author since he published his first writings in 1974. Despite the acceptance by readers and critics alike (prizes such as the Joan Fuster for Essays, the Sant Jordi for Narratives or the Catalan Literature Honour Prize), until the publication of this work, no in-depth studies had been conducted to systematise the different aspects of his work. This book contributes to overcoming these shortcomings by offering, in the first chapter, a description of the intellectual formation of the author and an approximation to his conception of literature. In the second part, it draws on the contributions of pragmatics and discourse analysis to carry out a thorough examination of the stylistic features and the persuasive functions that characterise the journalistic essays with which Mira has seduced his readers with a careful balance of amenity and humanistic knowledge. This has placed him within the best Catalan and European tradition of this heterogeneous genre. | | Recull de premsa de la Plaça del llibre de Castelló / Fotos de la presentació a la Plaça del llibre de Castelló |