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   Collection: Fora de col·lecció  Serial Number:
   ISBN: 978-84-17429-91-1

Title: El retrato del poder
Authorship: Rodríguez Moya, María Inmaculada
 Mínguez Cornelles, Víctor Manuel
Pages: 546
Size: 17 X 24
Edition: 1 (2019)
Price: 35,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica cosida amb solapa
Support: Paper
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The link between portraits and power dates back to the dawn of time, and has been present in all civilisations, cultural ages and artistic periods: deified monarchs, rejuvenated political leaders, heroified military men, ennobled tyrants, etc.
This book summarises multiple investigations carried out by the authors, some of which are new, while others have already been published and reviewed. Through the analysis of the portraits and representations of twenty key historical figures, it attempts to exemplify the mechanisms used to represent power in portraits. The public image of all of them established models for future generations (some of them for centuries), contributed interesting iconographic novelties or successfully helped to crystallise very special political circumstances. The portraits of each of the historical figures selected is a significant persuasive artefact as well as a fascinating intellectual challenge. But, above all, they are a feast for our eyes.

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