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   Collection: Història i memòria  Serial Number: 7
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-89-3

Title: Mujeres públicas, ciudadanas conscientes
Una experiencia cívica en la Segunda República.
Authorship: Monlleó Peris, María Rosa (ed.lit.)
 Badenes-Gasset Ramos, Inmaculada (ed.lit.)
 Alcón Sornichero, Eva María (ed.lit.)
Pages: 392
Size: 5.89Mb
Edition: 1 (2018)
Price: 7,75 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - PDF
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Researching the leading role of women during the Second Republic is an essential academic operation to understand the modernisation of Spain. The different laws passed in this period allowed women to take the lead in public life as they invaded the male space, with responsibilities in public affairs. The civic experiences of many women appear in this book: voting, demonstrating in the street or leading electoral meetings as citizens, being mayors or members of parliament, enjoying maternity insurance, obtaining custody of children or divorce, and gaining access to new professions hitherto monopolised by men. With this book, we believe two essential objectives have been achieved: on one hand, from a feminist point of view, we present the advances made by women, new rights and greater autonomy; on the other hand, considering historical memory, when drawing up their biographies, we have recovered their dignity as victims of the war and repression under Franco regime. Stripping away the negative impression of them giving by the Franco regime has allowed us to rediscover the Second Republic as an emancipatory and creative period for women.

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