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Home > Publications > Estudis jurídics


   Collection: Estudis jurídics  Serial Number: 22
   ISBN: 978-84-16356-06-5

Title: El proceso penal en la encrucijada
Homenaje al Dr. César Crisóstomo Barrientos Pellecer
Authorship: Gómez Colomer, Juan Luis (coord.)
 Altava Lavall, Manuel Guillermo
 Bachmaier Winter, Lorena
 Barona Vilar, Silvia
 Barrientos Pellecer, César Ricardo Crisóstomo
 Beltrán Montoliu, Ana
Pages: 1346
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2015)
Price: 45,00 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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César Crisóstomo Barrientos Pellecer, who received a doctorate from the Universitat Jaume I in Castelló (Spain) in 2008 and was president of the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Guatemala, died on 2 March 2014. He was committed to the total democratisation of justice in Guatemala, although very few people with the power to achieve this supported him. Although he had received several death threats, he was left alone and isolated. This book provides a permanent record of his significant personal values, his immense love for Guatemala, his belief that proper justice was also possible in his land, and his tireless work in supporting human dignity based on all the aspects he developed throughout his prolific career.

 Cuéllar Cruz, Leonardo Javier
 Cuéllar Cruz, Rigoberto
 Cuerda Arnau, María Luisa
 Esparza Leibar, Iñaki
 Etxeberria Guridi, José Francisco
 Gómez Colomer, Juan Luis
 Madrid Boquín, Christa María
 Martínez García, Elena
 Mollar Piquer, Maria Pilar
 Motiño Valerio, Karen Alicia
 Ordeñana Gezuraga, Ixusko
 Orlandi, Renzo
 Pillado González, Esther
 Planchadell Gargallo, Andrea
 Serrano Masip, Mercedes
 Vidales Rodríguez, Catalina
 Arangüena Fanego, Coral
 Balbuena Pérez, David
 Carbonell Mateu, Juan Carlos
 De Hoyos Sancho, Montserrat
 Etxebarria Estankona, Katixa
 Fernández Fustes, María Dolores
 González Cussac, José Luís
 González Navarro, Alicia
 Grande Seara, Pablo
 Juárez Elias, Franklin Erick
 Maldonado Urbina, Wendy Johara
 Moreno Catena, Victor
 Ontiveros Alonso, Miguel
 Pérez Estrada, Miren Josune
 Picand Albónico, Eduardo
 Tijerino Pacheco, José María
 Vervaele, John
 Vidal Fernández, Begoña

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