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   Collection: ARS  Serial Number: 4
   ISBN: 978-84-15444-81-7

Title: La sombra de Dédalo, el toque de Venus
Authorship: Castro Cuadra, Antonio
Pages: 225
Size: 14 X 21
Edition: 1 (2015)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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The insignificance underlines the prominence of all things, including human beings. A shadow - perhaps beautiful, exciting, maybe the horror itself - that glitters above that deep emptiness. A worthiness that knows neither to be worth of anything nor is there anything to be worth of, so that there is existence, not benefits. That divine touch of that goddess, without any possible business and so insignificant like you, like me, a passion that makes life kind again, with all its circumstances. Since ancient times, philosophy has called 'aesthetica' the thought about the sensitive. This is a book about aesthetics.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

Article de SEYTA

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Universitat Jaume I
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Castelló de la Plana
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