Title: | La conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar a la Universitat Jaume I
| | Authorship: | Alcañiz Moscardó, Mercedes (ed.lit.) | | Acosta Antognoni, Hedy Carolina | | Campos Suliano, María Desamparados | | Escrig Gil, Gemma | | García Campá, Santiago | | Martí Gual, Ana Maria Other | Pages: | 294 | Size: | 7.21Mb | Edition: | 1 (2014) | Price: | 0,00 € | Language: | Català | Binding: | | Support: | e-Book - PDF |
Other formats: (free down load) The reconciliation of work and family life was included in the political agenda in the late 1990s and nowadays it has become a high-profile and daily issue that specially affects people with children or with old people who need care. These people have to combine working time with time dedicated to care their children, old people or household cores. The present publishing contains the results of the execution of Acciones 64 and 65 (actions) included in the I Plan de Igualdad de la Universitat Jaume I (2010-2014) related to the elaboration of a survey among the staff in order to know the needs they have about reconciliation of work and family. | | Llibre en castellà |
| Other: | | Ortí Porcar, María José | | Pascual Gargallo, Lourdes Lidón | | Querol Vicente, Vicente Alberto | | Sales Boix, Anna |