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   Collection: Cooperació i solidaritat. Estudis  Serial Number: 11
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-973-0

Title: Ética y neurociencias. La aportación a la política, la economía y la educación
Authorship: Feenstra, Ramón Andrés (ed.lit.)
 García Marzá, Vicente Domingo (ed.lit.)
 Bartolomé Ruiz, Castor M. M.
 Cabedo Manuel, Salvador
 Calvo Cabezas, Patrici
 García Gallego, María Aurora
Pages: 223
Size: 6.758Mb
Edition: 1 (2013)
Price: 6,45 €
Language: Espanyol
Support: e-Book - PDF
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Neurosciences have achieved in the last years an obvious preponderance in the field of scientific investigation. The expectation raised by the advances in neuroimaging, by the fact that we can view brain�s activity, added to the seduction and magnetism derived from its possible manipulation and control, have become neurosciences in a new framework or model to follow for the rest of knowledges in any dimension of human activity. So much so that we are witnessing an authentic �neurocentrical turn�, the birth of the era of neuroscience in which new disciplines with the prefix neuro- are consolidated.
This collective aims to explore from a critical perspective the advances and benefits that neurosciences add to the field of ethics, politics, economics and education. The goal is to delve into new possibilities neurosciences offer without falling into a scientific reductionism. Thus, contributions, both national and international, that form this book want to offer a knowledge capable of fostering an interdisciplinary dialogue that integrates the advances offered by neurosciencies in practical philosphy.

 García Gómez-Heras, José María
 Genovés Company, Raúl
 Georgantzis, Nikolaos
 Gil Martínez, Joaquín
 González Esteban, Elsa
 Jaber Lopez, Tarek Taher
 Moreno, Jonathan
 Pallarés Domínguez, Daniel Vicente
 Perakakis, Pandelis
 Tennison, Michael N

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