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   Collection: ARS  Serial Number: 2
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-907-5

Title: Arte, psicoanálisis y estética: promesa de reconciliación
La falta de evidencia del arte contemporáneo y su derecho a la existencia
Authorship: Garduño Comparán, Carlos Alfonso
Pages: 403
Size: 3.96Mb
Edition: 1 (2013)
Price: 10,30 €
Language: Espanyol
Support: e-Book - EPUB
Other formats:

Identifying and exploring the supposed assumed function of art through some of the main arguments developed as regard, is the aim of the work, in a dialogue about the philosophic tradition Esthetic matter and the Psychoanalysis. The author shows that the function of art is to promise, but a very particular promise that can only be hurled from the specific place that rest with the culture: a promise of reconciliation.

Il·lustracions en color

Ressenya SEYTA

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