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   Collection: ARS  Serial Number: 1
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-801-6

Title: Videografía y arte: Indagaciones sobre la imagen en movimiento
Análisis de prácticas videográficas que investigan sobre la imagen
Authorship: Rodríguez Mattalía, Lorena
Pages: 310
Size: 14 x 21
Edition: 1 (2011)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Rústica cosida
Support: paper
Other formats:

Why a cineast like Godard chose a videographic dispositive for his cinema stories? What does this dispositve offer to him and those artists that, from the begining of the video until the current digital, have used? In this book it is proved through the analysis of the works, from the beinging of the videos until the videographies at the end of nineties and the present, the way this dispositive is used by numerous artist as an instrument of study of the image in movement, and promoves a kind of relation with the image, based on the critic analysis of its fundaments, its regimenes of production and reception, and its several areas of creation.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

Ressenya SEYTA

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Universitat Jaume I
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