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  L'aprenentatge-servei com a eix vertebrador en l'aplicació de diferents metodologies actives per a l'alumnat

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  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 7,50€
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Les invisibles. Educació afectivosexual des de les ciències socials

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Affective-sexual education is a proces...

  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 5,15€
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  Un país d'històries. Aproximació literària a la geografia del País Valencià

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Who hasn’t been told stories? The ones...

  PVP: 22,00€   PDF: 11,00€
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Guía práctica para mejorar la motivación del alumnado de educación secundaria y formación profesional

It is a fact that student motivation decreases significantly in secondary education and vocational training, educational stages that coincide wit...
  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 5,15€
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  Mètode de creixement emocional

Through conscious personal growth, everyone can cultivate emotions and, consequently, improve their relations with their surroundings. This book ...
  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 5,15€
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La tutoría entre iguales

Inclusion and new ways of managing the classroom which this perspective involves are aspects of vital importance in the education of the twenty-f...
  PDF: 3,85€
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  Evai E-learning Platform: Student's Reference Guide

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  PDF: 0,00€
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La carrera de orientación en el colegio

"The Carrera de Orientación is a sporting activity plenty of contents that favour the global education of its participants. Appart from the value...
  PVP: 24,00€
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  Prácticas inclusivas: experiencias, proyectos y redes

How educational inclusion is put into practice? Is it possible in our context? Of course. From a joint teaching to peer tutoring among equals, to...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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El origen del sistema solar y del meteorito de Puerto Lápice

The fall of the meteorite Puerto Lápice constituted an important fact in the area of planetary science. The work describes, in a didactical and a...
  PVP: 24,00€
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  Adaptació curricular. Aplicació informàtica NAC-ACS II

Manual, CD-ROM and assessment book about EEC addressed to those professionals that deal with students with learning disabilities ¿from childhood ...
  PVP: 38,00€
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La diversitat cultural a l'escola. Propostes pràctiques per a un currículum intercultural

This work is the follow-up to a first volume entitled Educació intercultural (Intercultural Education). It presents more specific proposals to de...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  L'avaluació del llenguatge infantil. ELI

ELI is a normative and standardised test to evaluate language in the first stages (0-6 years). It can be used as a screening that evaluates the m...
  PVP: 38,00€
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Tòpics i adolescencia: una visió valenciana sobre les diferents autonomies

As Rafael Ninyoles states in the Foreword, this study - backed by fields such as the geography of perception, sociolinguistics and didactics - pr...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  El sistema solar. Nuestro pequeño rincón en la Vía Láctea

The answers to some of the incognitas better avoided our planetary system appear in this text, that seeks to incite curiosity in the reader by me...
  PVP: 24,00€
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Educació intercultura: la diversitat cultural a l'escola

There is a cultural diversity in all the esculas?¿ As we can form attitudes interculturales? That resources and material we can utilize? This w...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  La escolarización de la infancia gitana en 167 poblaciones de Andalucía

A work directed to teachers and professionals of different fields related to the infancy and its education. It prompted by the Meeting of Andalus...
  PVP: 15,00€
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La prevención del Sida en adolescentes: Propuestas pedagógicas

The interes of the book falls in the proposal that does an intervention eminently practice of prevention of it been through materials done not ce...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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  Adaptación curricular. Aplicación informàtica NAC-ACS

The NAC-ACS database is an open programme addressed to professionals working with students who have special permanent or temporary education need...
  PVP: 24,00€
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Didàctica del Català i Pedagogia Crítica

In the field of the training of teachers, the critical option has not been experimented. This book brings to light an educational project based o...
  PVP: 24,00€
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  Adaptació curricular. Aplicació Informàtica NAC-ACS

The data basis NAC-ACS is an long-term waited instrument by teachers, pedagogues, psychologists, ESO teachers at the levels of primary and second...
  PVP: 19,83€
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Los dibujos de los zurdos: percepción y lateralidad

Dexterity is always synonym for ability, whereas left-handed has a pejorative meaning. This interesting book analyses some processes that directl...
  PVP: 13,00€   PDF: 5,60€
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  El niño hiperactivo (TDA-H)

What are the causes? Which are the symptoms? Is it true that boys suffer more hyperactivity than girls do? How should teachers and parents act? ...
  PVP: 22,00€
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Aplicació didàctica dels jocs a l'educació física

260 games, taken as activities and explained and accompanied with illustrations are the basis of the present work. It includes a CD-ROM so that o...
  PVP: 20,00€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Campus del Riu Sec
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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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