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Biblioteca de les Aules

More from the collection: Biblioteca de les Aules. Sèrie Maior

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  El habla de Puebla de Arenoso

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  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 7,50€   EPUB: 7,50€
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La casa de Almenara a través de la historia

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  PVP: 28,00€   PDF: 14,00€   EPUB: 14,00€
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  Del tradicionalismo al socialismo autogestionario. La evolución de la militancia carlista en la época de don Javier y Carlos Hugo (1956-1980)

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El proceso producido entre...

  PVP: 35,00€   PDF: 17,50€   EPUB: 17,50€
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La desamortització de Madoz a la província de Castelló 1855-1900

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  PVP: 35,00€   PDF: 17,50€
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  El Vilafamés foral. De la conquesta a l'arribada dels Borbons (1233-1707)

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  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 8,00€   EPUB: 8,00€
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La predicació de Sant Vicent Ferrer per les comarques de Castelló

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  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 8,00€
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  El léxico disponible de los jóvenes de Castellón

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  PVP: 24,00€   PDF: 12,00€
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El maurisme i la dreta conservadora a La Plana (1907-1931)

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The equilibria that existed in the pro...

  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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  Paisatge, etnografia i rituals a Penyagolosa / Landscape, ethnography and rituals at Penyagolosa

The study of Penyagolosa and the historical, contemporary and multidisciplinary analysis provided by experts, academics and technicians in this b...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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El Alto Mijares entre los siglos XVI y XIX. Un estudio de sociedad rural valenciana de Antiguo Régimen

A rural history monograph on classic topics (population, economics, society and collective mentalities) applied to the regional context (Alto Mij...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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  El comercio romano de ornamentos artesanales en el norte de la Comunidad Valenciana

Up to the present time no other study of Roman sumptuary art had been carried out that was able to bring together most known materials (i.e. terr...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Ribesalbes. Un enclave de la cerámica en la Plana Baixa de Castelló

The recent history of Ribesalbes, from the first evidences of the Industrial Revolution in the town to the second great transformation in product...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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  El periódico Mediterráneo durante la transición española (1975-1982)

The newspaper Mediterráneo was a faithful reflection of the changes of Spanish society. To that end, a historical tour is made through the stages...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Carpetas abiertas

The work by Luis Prades Perona, from Castellón, goes further painting, by including also writing, collected in this Carpetas abiertas that until ...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
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  La plana romana

La Plana in Roman era, due to its fertility and strategic situation experienced an intenstive romanization as we can deduce thanks to the remaine...
  PVP: 26,00€
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La cultura exiliada

The biographies and the works about the exiled culture of the Spanish War 1936-1939, and the historical period in which they were produced, make ...
  PVP: 26,00€
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  Josep Climent i Avinent (Castelló de la Plana, 1706-1781) Bisbe de Barcelona

Comitted to social justice, peace and freedom, the bishop Climent was known by an exceptional sensitivity devoted to the human needs such as the ...
  PVP: 24,00€
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Las cofradías de Castellón y sus comarcas desde la Edad Media hasta finales del Antiguo Régimen

In 1770 a survey about Spanish State�s brotherhoods was made to impede possible abuse. In this work, a historiographic contribution is presented ...
  PVP: 24,00€
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  De labradores a soldados

The originality of this work lies in the sociologic study of the militia, prospecting churches, quarters, social groups and professionals, and al...
  PVP: 15,00€
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La obra literaria de José Luis Aguirre

The artistic creation of José Luis Aguirre, in a wide variety of genres, has dignified the panorama of the Valencian literature written in Spanis...
  PVP: 24,00€
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  Dinero azul cobalto

Architectural ceramics was always good business, and it remains so today. It was a question of earning money through an artistic object; cobalt b...
  PVP: 15,00€
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El Palancia: Nacer y emigrar

How many of us were there: a lot or a few? Why were there so many or so few? The book reveals the demographic patterns of the period and the popu...
  PVP: 18,00€
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  Gestión, costes y tarifas del agua potable en Castellón

The concluisones obtained by this study, that represents the 93% of the population, permits to obtain a vision of assembly and detailed of the se...
  PVP: 18,00€
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Cultura i estudi local a La Plana de l'Arc

A notable contribution al analisis of the rural world, and of obliged reference for the local study of our comarques, that includes valuosas inve...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  Valencia 1900

In the Valencia of 1900 gestates the image of the baroque, coloristic, floral city. In this way an urban archetype is created that arranges well...
  PVP: 15,00€
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Fiesta y arte efímero en el Castellón del setecientos

This work analyses the celebrations (programme planning, decoration, processions¿) done because of royal births, marriages or death, as well as t...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  Juan Porcar Montoliu. Obra Completa

The entire works of Juan Porcar Montoliu (Barcelona, 1919 - Castelló, 1986), a poet who was in a privileged position in the cultural and literary...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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Huellas del espíritu en la prehistoria castellonense

The author, who is professor in the Department of Education, describes and values the so-called "saving presence of the Spirit", a theme that app...
  PVP: 18,00€
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  Patrimonio, parentesco y poder. Castellón en el antiguo régimen

Fundamental and innovative study to know the rise to power of the social dominant group in the Castelló of the era. The author has widened its fr...
  PVP: 18,00€
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El sistema ornamental en la cerámica de Alcora

Fundamental study to understand the evolution of the decorative system and the historical and geographical factors that helped in the creation of...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  Presencia del pasado en un cancionero castellonense

A different contribution to the study of musical folklore. The author is doctor of musicology and professor in that discipline by the University ...
  PVP: 15,00€
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La ciutat preindustrial valenciana

Passionately fond of cities as a way of human relationships, professor Vicent Ortells has captured in this work a part of his knowledge, as well ...
  PVP: 13,00€
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  La mort barroca: ritus i rendes

The goal of this study included in the generally called <> is not other than reflect the narrowed interweaving existent between t...
  PVP: 13,00€
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Los reyes distantes

An excellent study about emblematic iconography of the Spanish Monarchy in Mexico. It analyses the crown image by means of coloured etchings and ...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  El último villancico barroco valenciano

Josep Pradas Gallén's musical piece and his socio-cultural co-ordination. He was chapel master of the Cathedral of València in the 18th century a...
  PVP: 13,00€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Edifici de Rectorat i Serveis Centrals
Campus del Riu Sec
Tel.: +34 964728819 - Fax: +34 964728832
Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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