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  Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I 2022

¿Erudición o compromiso? La historia narrativa y esencialista durante la Segunda República (1931-1939)

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  PVP: 35,00€   PDF: 17,50€   EPUB: 17,50€
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  La herencia reconstruida. Crecimiento agrario y transformaciones del paisaje tras las conquistas de al-Andalus (siglos XII-XVI)

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Traditional historiography has cla...

  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 9,00€   EPUB: 9,00€
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Nuevas aportaciones al urbanismo de Saguntum y su territorio

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  PDF: 9,00€
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  Xodos, un poble de Penyagolosa. Dels orígens a la Nova Ruralitat

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  PVP: 40,00€   PDF: 20,00€
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Toponímia d'Almassora. Patrimoni, paisatge i territori

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  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 6,00€
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  Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I 2020

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  PVP: 16,00€
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Cultura i exili. Estudis d'història i literatura

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  PVP: 25,00€   PDF: 12,50€   EPUB: 12,50€
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  Resistencias desde los feminismos

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América: singularidad versus universalidad

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The period and subject of Americanism...

  PVP: 20,00€   PDF: 10,00€   EPUB: 10,00€
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  Transparencia e integridad en la institución universitaria

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  PVP: 15,00€
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Aplicación de la Investigación e Innovación Responsable (RRI) en los parques científicos

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  PVP: 10,00€
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  ComLoc 2018: El negocio publicitario en la sociedad digital

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Els orígens de la vila d'Almassora. Nous documents, noves visions

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This publication conducts a historiogr...

  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 5,15€   EPUB: 5,15€
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  Un diseño universitario para la responsabilidad social

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Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I 2018

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  PVP: 40,00€
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  Renovadors, contrarevolucionaris i cacics

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A deep institutional, political, ideol...

  PVP: 20,00€   PDF: 8,60€   EPUB: 8,60€
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Els vescomtes de Gallano: un llinatge baronial de la Corona d'Aragó (1395-1499)

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The book focuses on the social and po...

  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 6,90€
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  Nuevas perspectivas en la gestión de la responsabilidad social en las universidades

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Ética y comunicación en la gestión de la Investigación e Innovación Responsable (RRI): el papel de las Unidades de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación (UCC+i)

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  Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I 2016

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Vilafranca (1239-1412)

The town charter of the Riu de les Truites was granted in 1239 by the nobleman Blasco de Alagón, ending almost 500 years of Andalusian history in...
  PVP: 24,00€   PDF: 10,30€   EPUB: 10,30€
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  La inquisición en las Cortes de Cádiz

Two centuries ago, one of the most decisive Parliaments in Spanish history was held. In an extraordinary situation, the representatives meeting i...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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Cronología de la neolengua española

Inspired by the 1984 newspeak, George Orwell's work, the author analyses nearly sixty statements of leaders and media related to the factual powe...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€   EPUB: 4,30€
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  Figueroles, un espai en temps de canvi

Since the second half of the twentieth century, the traditional agricultural village experienced a process of industrialisation based on the cera...
  PVP: 24,00€   PDF: 10,30€
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Investigació i gènere a la Universitat Jaume I

The equality of women and men, in spite of being a universal legal principle in international and national standards that is at the basis of demo...
  PVP: 20,00€
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  Julio Cervera Baviera. Republicano y masón

Julio Cervera Baviera (born in Segorbe, 1854, died in Madrid, 1927) was ahead of his time. Military engineer, war hero, explorer in Morocco and S...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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España y su historia. La generación de 1948

The historical discourse in the construction of the political-cultural nationalist project of the generation of 1948 identified the present of Sp...
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  La conciliació de la vida laboral i familiar a la Universitat Jaume I

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La conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar en la Universitat Jaume I

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  La fusteria a la València medieval (1238-1520)

All the aspects of work with wood, a variety extremely wide of productive tipologies, are studied in the book: trade, supply and transport channe...
  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 6,90€
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Investigació en ciències humanes i socials

What is the mission of the university? Surely, there is no a single answer. This multifaceted vision of university education is not an innovation...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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  Del neocatolicisme al neocarlisme

Despite the fact that the figure of Antonio Aparici y Guijarro (1815-1872) is unknown for many people, the valencian lawyer and journalist become...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Fent Fortuna

Geographical origin, economical activities or local bourgeoisie�s level of richness are analysed in this work at the same time in which social an...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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  Ensayos para una historia natural de la sangre humana

The present book has as a goal to disclose the figure of Robert Boyle, icon of the science of the 17th century, through the translation of latin ...
  PVP: 18,00€
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El nacimiento de la sociedad burguesa

José Aguilera López revises in this essay the crucial years of the bourgeois revolution analysed in the context of Castellón, yielding new lights...
  PVP: 20,00€
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  José Mínguez. Un arquitecto barroco en la Valencia del siglo XVIII

Monograph dedicated to the figure of José Mínguez, that tries to fill, in part, the historiographical void that extends from the War of the Spani...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Ideologías e intereses sociales bajo el franquismo (1939-1975).

Under Franco�s regime, a variety of ideological discourses were developed, discourses that gathered emotional resources, evocations of the past, ...
  PVP: 28,00€
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  El precio de la derrota

The Law of Political Responsibilities was one of the main tools of the Franco regime to the annulment and disarticulation of that part of society...
  PVP: 24,00€
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La otra cara de la bohemia

In Spain in the first third of the 20th century women were condemned to not to subvert the patriarchal dogma. Their freedom was reduced to the �e...
  PVP: 30,00€
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  Autoritaris, catòlics i republicans

In this work, two perceptions are obtained from the study of the authoritarian regime, located between the Restoration and the Second Republic. T...
  PVP: 15,00€
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Europa: historia, imagen y mito

It is presented an analysis of Europe from diverse historical perspectives (its control: religion and Empire; its formation; its borders and fron...
  PVP: 30,00€   PDF: 12,90€
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  Himnos délficos dedicados a Apolo

In 1980, French exclusiveness restricted the publications about the Delphic Hymns devoted to Apolo in the unique point of view of the Gallic expe...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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Memoria y olvido de la historia

The contents of the book attempt to favour both the epistemological approach to historical knowledge and the perception of the facts from either ...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  Los comerciantes valencianos del siglo XV y sus libros de cuentas

The integration process of the European urban economy, set in motion in the eighteenth century, involved the spreading of financial and mercantil...
  PVP: 20,00€
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Más allá de las sombras

This is a diachronic analysis work which stretches from the first expressions of film language until the consolidation of the commercial and indu...
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  Republicanisme, identitat popular i hegemonia municipal.

In the Europe marked by the crisis of oligarchic liberalism, stimulated by the devastation of the World War I, the economic situation is complex....
  PVP: 18,00€
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Filosofía y cultura de la tolerancia

Although putting tolerance into practice is apparently evident as an essential and necessary value for those who wish to live in democracy, it br...
  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 6,90€
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  Castelló al segle XX

A new hypothesis on nationalism, the 2nd Spanish Republic and history teaching, as well as a full historiographical review of research on the Spa...
  PVP: 32,00€
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La cartuja de Vall de Crist en el fin del Antiguo Régimen

This is not another book on estates and confiscations. The author offers us a precise radiography of the state of the Carthusian Monastery in its...
  PVP: 20,00€
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  Conflicto y revolución en las comarcas de Castelló, 1931-1938

The strategic struggle, among the ideological opponents, within Republican Spain was equally or more important than the military struggle. The co...
  PVP: 18,00€
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La comunicación local por Internet

Present-day reality and the perspectives of electronic communication in the future through the Internet at a local level are analysed through the...
  PVP: 25,00€
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  La apuesta ética en las organizaciones sanitarias

Given the need to incorporate good practices in the relations between health care professionals, on the one hand, and patients and users, on the ...
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La estética en las barricadas. Mayo del 68 y la creación artística

During the month of May 1968, all France entered into discussion, dreamed and, above all, created. Literature, dramatic arts, cinema and plastic ...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  Els corcs de la Restauració. Vinarós (1876-1923)

The Liberal Revolution, the prelude to the Restoration, broke down the subsistence economy. The culture of balance between production and needs w...
  PVP: 15,00€
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La república participada

A vision of the interaction between private collaboration and direct management from the State as a political collective unit which, for the firs...
  PVP: 15,00€
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  Ceremoniales, ritos y representación del poder

Al surrounding of the figure of the emperor, of the monarch, of the pontífice, all an arises visual apparatus and ritual of great communicative f...
  PVP: 20,00€
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Federalismo y cuestion federal en España

Eight studies that analyze since an ideological, legal, sociological, political, and historic perspective the avatars of the federalism of the fi...
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  La publicidad local

This volume deals with the new local media that have recently appeared, and with the setting up of new local advertising agencies together with a...
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Radio y televisión en el ámbito local

During three sessions, a hundred long of communicators analyzed in the II Congress of Local Communication the present reality and the future pers...
  PVP: 25,00€
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  Fundamentalismo político y religioso: De la antigüedad a la edad moderna

The European group of historic investigation "Religion, to be able and monarchy", composed by investigators of the universities of Potsdam and Ja...
  PVP: 18,00€
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Imperios sacros, monarquías divinas

The European group of historic investigation "Religió, to be able i monarquia", composed in a stable way for investigators of the universities of...
  PVP: 20,00€
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  La prensa local y la prensa gratuita

The press, the oldest means of communication among those that live together nowadays, has to face with serious unanswered questions about the rul...
  PVP: 25,00€
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Las ciudades y la guerra 1750-1898

The central idea of this work deals with the historical intersection between war and urban problems from a multidiscipline perspective, combining...
  PVP: 40,00€
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  Los reyes solares

The slogan of Carlos V, Plus Ultra, manifested his intention to build a Christian empire, extended from Europe to America, Africa and Terra Santa...
  PVP: 20,00€
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La biblioteca del matemàtic Alicart

The life of Federico Alicart Garcés (Castelló, 1902 - Madrid, 1984) fills the first half of the book. The other half is devoted to a scientific r...
  PVP: 12,00€
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  Revoluciones y revolucionarios en el mundo hispano

This work deals with revolutionary changes in the Hispanic World during the 19th and 20th centuries. Authors provide a brilliant historical persp...
  PVP: 18,00€   PDF: 7,75€
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Economía y posguerra desde el exilio. El otro debate

Most of the Spanish expatriates after Civil War were preoccupied by the reality they left and the desire to change it, in spite of suffering from...
  PVP: 16,00€   PDF: 6,90€
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  Del libro de emblemas a la ciudad simbólica

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This work explores the processes by which images and words ...

  PVP: 36,00€
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Las órdenes militares: realidad e imaginario

Up to which point is heiress the actual Europe of the historic contribution to medieval organisations? Those who have asked this question will fi...
  PVP: 28,00€
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  De súbditos del Rey a ciudadanos de la Nación

This book compiles the ideas done in the I International Congress about New Spain and the Antilles: from subjects of a king to citizens of the wo...
  PVP: 15,00€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Campus del Riu Sec
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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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