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Home > Publications > Fora de col·lecció

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   Collection: Fora de col·lecció  Serial Number:
   ISBN: 978-84-10349-15-5

Title: Les escoles dels masos de Llucena.
Records d'un passat no tan llunyà
Authorship: Moliner García, María Odet (coord.)
 Segarra Arnau, Tomas
 Traver Martí, Juan Andrés
 Comtessa De Llucena, Ceip
 Escrig, Ximo
 Querol, José
Pages: 142
Size: 23cm x 23cm
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Fresada
Support: Paper
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"Recover, preserve and transmit the pedagogical memory linked to the reality of the rural space of Castellón." This is how the Pedagogical Museum of Castellón defines this project that tries to extract from the darkness the experiences and learning lived in the schools of the farmhouses in the municipality of Llucena (L'Alcalatén, Castelló).

With the boost that the educational issue received during the Second Republic, the rural world of dispersed population that this area represents had, for the first time, access to a regulated education. That is why this work collects numerous oral sources in order to build a story capable of explaining and understanding the importance that schools had in the daily lives of many families.

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
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