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   Collection: TRAMA  Serial Number: 5
   ISBN: 978-84-19647-95-5

Title: La oralidad prefabricada en la ficción audiovisual original y doblada: Siete vidas y Friends
Authorship: Baños Piñero, Rocío
Pages: 248
Size: 11.80 Mb
Edition: 1 (2024)
Price: 0,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - PDF
Other formats:

* free down load

When sitting down in front of a screen to watch a film or a TV series, regardless of whether they are broadcast in their original language or dubbed, viewers expect to find spontaneous and oral-sounding dialogue. However, the oral nature of audiovisual dialogue is far from spontaneous and rather prefabricated, as lines have been planned, reviewed, corrected and interpreted very carefully. This book sheds light onto the prefabricated orality of original and dubbed fictional dialogue in Spanish with the following two aims: to introduce a theoretical and methodological framework for its systematic analysis; and to demonstrate the usefulness of such framework through the analysis and comparison of dialogue from the Spanish sitcom Siete Vidas and the US sitcom Friends.

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions
Edifici de Rectorat i Serveis Centrals
Campus del Riu Sec
Tel.: +34 964728819 - Fax: +34 964728832
Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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0,00 €

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