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   Collection: Història i memòria  Serial Number: 12
   ISBN: 978-84-17900-91-5

Title: La gelada de 1946
Adversitat climàtica, crisi tarongera i primer franquisme
Authorship: Pardo Nacher, Cristian (coord.)
 Ginés I Sànchez, Andreu (coord.)
Pages: 259
Size: 17 X 24
Edition: 1 (2020)
Price: 16,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica cosida amb solapa
Support: Paper
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Beyond its traditional role as mere anecdote or instrument of propaganda, the weather is another factor to bear in mind in offering new keys to understanding the worsening quality of life for a large part of society in period after the Spanish Civil War, the configuration of the institutions of the new regime and its relationship with agricultural elites, and the consequences of the autarchic economy in the orange industry during the Franco regime. The book aims to look at the post-war years from a new point of view, focusing on the impact of frosts on the orange-growing agriculture of the Valencian coast, particularly the region of La Plana. The book is coordinated by Cristian Pardo and Andreu Ginés and it features the participation of experts such as Vicent Abad, Ricard C. Torres, Maribel Peris and José Luis Giménez, with a prologue by Joan Mateu Bellés and an epilogue by Emilio M. Obiol.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

Entrevista en Radio Vila-real a Cristian Pardo / Ressenya Mediterraneo 17/1/2021 / Cazarabet conversa con Cristian Pardo Nàcher y Andreu Ginés i Sànchez

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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