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   Collection: UniverCiutat  Serial Number: 5
   ISBN: 978-84-17900-08-3

Title: Versos condenados a muerte
Authorship: Martínez Gimeno, María José
 Sabater Fortea, Miren Josebe
Pages: 262
Size: 4.17 Mb
Edition: 1 (2019)
Price: 6,45 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - PDF
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History is the convergence of little private stories that do not usually find their way into books. We apprehend a general memory that has been nurtured by thousands of local and family memories, some of which will be lost and will leave a gap among the pieces needed to construct the collective memory. Therefore, there are stories that take a long time to be written down, but which will later illuminate and guide those who analyse them. Hence, we undertake this exercise in ‘history from below’ that has led to the discovery of a poetic production that was hidden and forgotten due to various reasons but which could be summed up in just one: fear. This fear may now seem anachronistic or exaggerated, but it persists in the offspring and in the wives of those men who whiled away the time and allayed their fears by writing literature in the Castelló Provincial Prison in 1939 and 1940.

Il·lustracions en color

Libro Versos condenados a muerte / Cazarabet entrevista a les autores / Ressenya Levante el mercantil valenciano 4/12/19 / Presentació a l’edifici del menador /Presentació a València / Fotos Presentació a l’edifici del Menador

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