Title: | ComLoc 2018: El negocio publicitario en la sociedad digital
| | Authorship: | Fanjul Peyró, Carlos (ed.lit.) | | González Oñate, Cristina (ed.lit.) | | Cabezuelo Lorenzo, Francisco | | CAEROLS MATEO, RAQUEL | | Cuesta Cambra, Ubaldo | | Delgado Hernández, Andrea Other | Pages: | 260 | Size: | 15 X 21 | Edition: | 1 (2019) | Price: | 15,00 € | Language: | Castellà | Binding: | Fresada | Support: | Paper |
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This e-book contains the proceedings of the 2018 ComLoc (Congress on Local Communication). The work gathers the most interesting contributions that were addressed during the Congress held at the Universitat Jaume I on 15 and 16 November and offers a complete overview of the current state of advertising communication that helps us understand how it has changed and what has happened in the sector. Scholars, professionals and students in the field of advertising share their experiences in order to know the main changes that have taken place in the advertising business and thus see the effects that digital media have had on the advertising communication sector. At the same time, it also analyses the main creative and strategic trends of advertising agencies derived from the new technologies and the new digital context | | Ressenya Doxacomunicación número 28 (2019) |
| Other: | | García Cubells, María Rosario | | García Medina, Irene | | Gil Soldevilla, Samuel | | Jiménez Ruiz, Francisco | | Marta Lazo, Carmen | | Martínez Gómez, José Antonio | | Miquel Segarra, Susana | | Mrkonjic Bozic, Stanislava | | Navarro Beltrà, Marián | | Roglá Lacueva, José Luis | | Rubio Navalón, Alejandro | | TRASCAU, Radu | | Viñarás Abad, Mónica |