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   Collection: Estudis jurídics  Serial Number: 23
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-10-7

Title: Diálogos jurídicos España-México. Volumen VI
Authorship: Fernández Hernández, Antonio (ed.lit.)
 Lapiedra Alcamí, Rafael (ed.lit.)
 Escribano Tortajada, Patricia
 García Cívico, Jesús
 Izquierdo Muciño, Martha Elba
 Pérez Cebadera, María Ángeles
Pages: 310
Size: 812Kb
Edition: 1 (2017)
Price: 6,45 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Llibre electrònic
Support: e-Book - EPUB
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The Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (Toluca) and the Universitat Jaume I (Castelló) have maintained a project to publish books containing reflections on topics developed by professors of both universities since 2006. The collection of legal dialogues comprises a stable forum for international meetings reflecting the Spanish and Mexican views of the different ways current topics are treated in the two countries’ legal systems. This volume is a compilation of views on crucial issues such as the civil measures available in Spain to protect children in cases of gender-based violence, while the Mexican perspective provides semantic differences as associated with this type of crime, which in Mexico comes under the heading of family violence. It also analyses the use of personal data in criminal proceedings; the impact of socio-economic inequality on the exercise of civil and political rights; technical education and its relationship to the Mexican labour market; gender equality policy issues; and employment regulations for artists in Spain and Mexico.

 Ruano Albertos, Sara
 Senent Vidal, María José
 Rivera Caballero, Julieta Patricia
 Gutiérrez Ferreyra, Diana Leticia
 Gutiérrez García, Ricardo Eloy Roberto
 Aguilera Izaguirre, Gustavo
 Lima Cedillo, Erika Yazmin
 Muñiz Díaz, Carlos

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Campus del Riu Sec
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Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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