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   Collection: Cooperació i solidaritat. Estudis  Serial Number: 15
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-02-2

Title: Tendresa i equitat en els processos de cura
Authorship: Garcia Ruiz, Rosa
Pages: 361
Size: 16 X 24
Edition: 1 (2017)
Price: 18,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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How can we achieve fair, non-sexist, engaging forms of care? What are the characteristics of peaceful caring? This book is structured around these concerns. In the first part, the different frameworks in which care is given are examined in depth: the cultural framework, in which patriarchy and capitalism are presented as factors putting a strain on care practices, and the relational framework, dealing with the intersubjective dimension of the experience of care, the affective bonds of interdependence and the experience of interconnection. The existential framework refers to the anthropological foundation of care based on an ontogenetic understanding of the human being. The needs framework, in which the synergies between needs, satisfaction and care, is also analysed. This first part ends with some proposed indicators for peaceful care. The second part of the book analyses the discourses of women and men of different ages regarding the meaning of care in their lives. Throughout the book, two concerns appear cutting across all areas: the need to reveal violence concealed behind care and a call for fair, tender, peaceful relationships.

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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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