Title: | La traducción en los medios audiovisuales
| | Authorship: | Agost Canós, Rosa María (ed.) | | Chaume Varela, Federico (ed.) | | Agost Canós, Rosa María | | Alcandre, Jean-Jacques | | BALLESTER CASADO, ANA | | Bartrina Martí, Francesca Other | Pages: | 250 | Size: | 12.08Mb | Edition: | 1 (2001) | Price: | 0,00 € | Language: | Diverses llengües | Binding: | Llibre electrònic | Support: | e-Book - PDF |
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The most distinguished experts discuss around one of the translation methods with more social repercussion, from the review of the question or the proposal of a model to analyse audio-visual texts, to the treatment of certain pragmatic aspects in subtitles or the role of spectators in the communicative process, etc.
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| Other: | | Castro Roig, Xosé | | Chaume Varela, Federico | | ESPASA BORRÁS, EVA | | Fontcuberta Gel, Joan | | GAMBIER, YVES | | GARCIA-RIPOLL DURAN, MARTI | | GOTTLIEB, HENRIK | | IZARD MARTINEZ, NATALIA | | Mason, Ian | | Mayoral Asensio, Roberto | | MERINO ALVAREZ, RAQUEL | | Montalt Resurreccion, Vicente Francisco | | PAES CARDOSO FRANCO, ELIANA | | Santamaria Guinot, Laura | | Segovia Martín, Raquel | | Sellent Arús, Joan | | Valdés Rodríguez, Cristina | | WHITMAN, CANDACE | | Zabalbeascoa Terran, Patrick |