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   Collection: Fundació Càtedra Enric Soler i Godes  Serial Number: 9
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-04-6

Title: Les mestres freinetistes dels anys trenta
Authorship: Zurriaga I Agustí, Ferran (coord.)
 Agulló Díaz, Mª Del Carmen
 Marquès Sureda, Salomó
 Jiménez Mier Y Terán, Fernando
 García Madrid, Antonio
 Ramos, Alfred
Pages: 203
Size: 17 x 24
Edition: 1 (2016)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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The 29th International Meeting of Freinet Educators (IROFE), organised by the People’s Schools Cooperative Movement in Leon in 2012 under the slogan education and gender equality, brought together a group of researchers who had been working for a long time to recover Freinet’s legacy in Spain. As part of this meeting, the 2nd Study Conference on the notes and journals covering Freinet techniques took place was organised, continuing the one held in Castelló de la Plana in 2010. Encouraged by important discoveries about publications and people behind them, they greatly expanded the map of the Freinet’s influence and the idea of publishing a book with the contributions of women teachers, who have a considerable presence within the movement, was considered.

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