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Home > Publications > Història i Memòria. Patri

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   Collection: Història i Memòria. Patrimoni  Serial Number: 1
   ISBN: 978-84-16356-71-3

Title: La recuperació de la memòria històrica al País Valencià: reparar i dignificar les víctimes amb les subvencions estatals (2006-2011)
Authorship: Santacreu Soler, José Miguel
Pages: 326
Size: 16 X 24
Edition: 1 (2016)
Price: 18,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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Act 52/2007, the Historical Memory Act, has revitalised the research of historians and the mobilisation of victims’ families, civic associations and political parties and trade unions. The detailed study of the initiatives of all the civic associations, victims’ families and Valencian universities to recover the historical memory of the Valencian region was carried out with ministerial subsidies granted in the period ending in 2011. It compiles the results of researchers' meetings, round tables with first-generation witnesses and second-generation witnesses, tributes, exhibitions, the filming and showing of documentaries on mass grave exhumations and identifications, and an extensive bibliography, audiovisual references, press articles, and websites of archives and associations suitable for recovering the historical memory of the Valencian region.

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