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Home > Publications > Cooperació i solidaritat

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   Collection: Cooperació i solidaritat. Projectes  Serial Number: 14
   ISBN: 978-84-16356-11-9

Title: Guía de duelo transcultural. Pautas de atención psicosocial
Authorship: Valero Valero, María del Mar
 García Renedo, Mónica
 Flores Buils, Raquel
 Gil Beltrán, José Manuel
 Lázaro Guillamón, María del Carmen
Pages: 112
Size: 16 X 24
Edition: 1 (2016)
Price: 12,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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A brief theoretical examination of different aspects of the reaction to death, covering issues such as grief and sorrow, the ritualization of the grieving processes and the understanding of death, as well as cross-cultural grief through the testimonies of people settled in the Valencian region who are originally from North Africa, Latin America and Eastern Europe. In conclusion, the guide sets out a series of guidelines and recommendations aimed at professionals in psychosocial care teams, as well as social agents and first responders. Resources of interest for psychosocial intervention in disasters and emergencies are also presented. Finally, the guide includes the questionnaire “Disasters and transcultural grief”.

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Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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0,00 €

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