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Home > Publications > Cooperació i solidaritat


   Collection: Cooperació i solidaritat. Projectes  Serial Number: 12
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-915-0

Title: Cooperación descentralizada pública
Introducción, enfoques y ámbitos de actuación
Authorship: Agost Felip, María Raquel (ed.lit.)
 Fuertes Eugenio, Ana María (ed.lit.)
 Giménez García, Isabel (ed.lit.)
 Soto Personat, Grisela (ed.lit.)
Pages: 318
Size: 16 x 24
Edition: 1 (2013)
Price: 18,00 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
Other formats:

Programmes such as Demuca and Municipia have let Councils and City Halls to gather a rich experience in International Cooperation issues and to emphasize the potential that these ones have as agents of first order in cooperation matters for development. For that reason, the formation of professionals of diverse public administrations and increasing their specialized knowledge in the preparation and commissioning of projects that contribute to the improvement of the cooperation system is increasingly more necessary.

Book available in PDF format for free downloading.

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