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Home > Publications > Educació. Orientació

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   Collection: Educació. Orientació  Serial Number: 4
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-850-4

Title: Videogiochi di ruolo, simulazioni al computer, robot e realtà aumentata come nuove tecnologie per l'apprendimento
Una guida per insegnanti, educatori e formatori
Authorship: Miglino, Orazio (ed.lit.)
 Nigrelli, Maria Luisa (ed.lit.)
 Simona Sica, Luigia (ed.lit.)
 Baños Rivera, Rosa Maria
 Botella Arbona, Cristina
 Bretón López, Juana Maria
Pages: 138
Size: 21 X 30
Edition: 1 (2013)
Price: 15,00 €
Language: Italià
Binding: Rústica
Support: Paper
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Appart from serving as training and a good channel for distributing information, new technologies also offer pedagogical advantages and can be very useful for trainers as a learning resource or to encourage learning processes. This is the idea the authors defend coordinated by Orazio Miglino, Maria Luisa Nigrelli and Luigia Simona Sica after analising the use of new technologies in schools, universities and companies from Spain, United Kingdom and Italy.

The manual is published in three languages: Spanish, English and Italian.

Il·lustracions en blanc i negre

Llibre en anglès| Llibre en castellà

 Farfallini, Luis
 Herrero Camarano, Rocío
 Quero Castellano, Soledad
 Vizcaíno Dragón, Yolanda
 Fiorese, Michela
 Jessel, John
 Rego, Angelo
 Vardisio, Roberto

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