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Home > Publications > Fora de col·lecció

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   Collection: Fora de col·lecció  Serial Number:
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-823-8

Title: Diccionari de la traducció catalana
Authorship: Fontcuberta, Joan (Et. Al.)
Pages: 700
Size: 17 x 24
Edition: 1 (2011)
Price: 40,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Tapa dura
Support: paper

For the first time the most relevant translators, born up to 1950, who translate from any other language to Catalan, meet. The work, co-published by several university editorials, also gives news of the most anonymous highlighted translations in some cases gathered in a set of entries, and develops an archaeological investigation in two lines: it revises and updates information of remarkable names and traditional titles, and recovers others that, for multiple reasons, had been neglected as the years or centuries wore on. One of the objectives has been to recue form the obscurity fallen silent voices.

Article Vilaweb

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