Title: | Humanismo y retórica visual
| | Authorship: | Mínguez Cornelles, Víctor (dir.) | | Morte García, Carmen (dir.) | | Sorolla Romero, Teresa (coord.) | | García Mahiques, Rafael (dir.) | Pages: | 663 | Size: | 18 x 26 | Edition: | 1 (2024) | Price: | 40,00 € | Language: | Espanyol | Binding: | Rústica cosida amb solapa | Support: | paper | As the five hundredth anniversary of the publication of Emblematum libellus by Andrea Alciato, the book with which emblematic literature began, is about to be celebrated, studies on the immense wealth of coded images that she contributed are more valid and important than ever. This volume collects the studies presented at the XIV Congress of the Spanish Society of Emblems, held in Alcañiz in 2023 | Il·lustracions en color |