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   Collection: Biblioteca Potestas  Serial Number: 3
   ISBN: 978-84-16546-92-3

Title: Infierno y gloria en el mar. (2ª edició)
Los Habsburgo y el imaginario artístico de Lepanto (1430-1700)
Authorship: Mínguez Cornelles, Víctor Manuel
Pages: 619
Size: 18 X 26
Edition: 2 (2018)
Price: 25,00 €
Language: Castellà
Binding: Rústica cosida amb solapa
Support: Paper

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The Battle of Lepanto has aroused great interest among specialists in military history, who for centuries have debated the strategic significance of the battle and its consequences in the Mediterranean war against the Ottomans and Berbers. However, the large quantity of images of the battle, many with great artistic value, generated in Europe and America during the 16th and 17th centuries have barely been noticed, still less the iconographic significance of these works by Vasari, Veronese, Tintoretto, Titian, Vicentino, Michieli, Bronzino, El Greco, Cambiaso, Velázquez, Lucas Valdés and others offering symbolic and rhetorical images and discourses with a concept of power constructed around the Habsburg royal dynasty that governed most of Europe for several centuries. The Habsburgs decisively confronted the Turks on land and at sea and skilfully resorted to artistic images to manufacture and disseminate an exalted mythology for the family, including Lepanto as a major event. The supremacy of the West was quickly sacralised by the Church of Rome in need of a victory on which to construct its Counter-Reformation. So, Lepanto emerged in the death throes of the Renaissance as a symbol of the triumph of the House of Habsburg and the Catholic faith against their enemies, and the visual success of the images of the battle was just as huge as the danger that had been defeated. In this numbered, limited edition, Víctor Mínguez makes the definitive analysis of the manufacturing of the imagination of Lepanto: one of the most formidable, symbolic and cultural artefacts of the Modern Age and, moreover, the first to be projected across the Atlantic, as demonstrated by dozens of astonishing Spanish American depictions of the battle.

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