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Disseny valencià

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  Lola Castelló. Belleza y función

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  PVP: 12,00€   PDF: 6,00€
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Rossana Zaera: L'emoció representada

Monograph about the valencian designer Rossana Zaera that is presented in the form of critical and aesthetic approach about her production during...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
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  José Juan Belda. Objectes i espais

In the work of the designer Belda, continuity and evolution elements are recognised. His work, parallel in design and decoration areas, has permi...
  PVP: 10,00€
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Lavernia, Cienfuegos i Associats: de la imatge al producte

Nacho Lavernia and Alberto Cienfuegos are totally convinced that designing is a communication problem and, therefore, the simplest messages are u...
  PVP: 9,00€
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  Eduardo Albors. Disseny de producte

This new issue of the well-known collection “Dissenyadors Valencians” (Valencian Designers) is dedicated to the creative and professional career ...
  PVP: 9,00€
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Vicent Martínez o el disseny de mobiliari en el marc de Puntmobles

A fully illustrated itinerary through the most emblematic works and philosophy of the Valencian designer, which can be summarised as a permanent ...
  PVP: 6,00€
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  Juan Nava: diseño gráfico para comunicar

A great graphic designer presented through its editorial, industrial, and advertising works in this magnificent edition....
  PVP: 6,00€
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Ana Gutiérrez Sígler. El disseny quotidià

The personalitat of Ana Gutiérrez invites us to know its work as one more contribution to inside of the paiseje of the Valencian design of the la...
  PVP: 6,00€
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  Sandra Figuerola + Marisa Gallén. Disseny-Comunicació

The humor, the tenderness, the spontaneity and the grace of the works carried out by these designers goes beyond the habitual registrations and s...
  PVP: 6,00€
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Pepe Gimeno

Unfold of a great one to be able creative in all the contexts in which operates, Pepe Gimeno has known to carry the visual communication to the m...
  PVP: 6,00€
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  Àlvaro Bautista

Before the <>, Emerging figure in the last times, Álvaro Bautista configures himself, according to W.Rambla, as a graphic d...
  PVP: 6,00€
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Paco Bascuñan. Repertoris

An intensive one I review illustrated al work of Bascuñán, a completely present designer and fully related to the culture contemporanea....
  PVP: 6,00€
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  Xavier Bordils. Disseny global

Xavier Bordils (Castelló, 1939) has stood out for his contributions to promote and spread design, graphic design and packaging, as well as for hi...
  PVP: 6,00€
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Vicente Belliure. Disseny Naval

Over the last two decades, the technological progress has modified deeply the shipbuilding industry. However, a Belliurte remains a guarantee in ...
  PVP: 6,00€
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  Daniel Nebot. Disseny multidisciplinar

After meditated and meticulous operations, Daniel Nebot Pérez (Barraques), the National Design Award winner of 1995, stamps a whole range of sens...
  PVP: 6,00€
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Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

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Campus del Riu Sec
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Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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