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Educació. Orientació

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  Desenvolupament vocacional: orientar des de la diversitat

The material offered is a set of activities regarding vocational and professional training forming part of the Tutorial Action Plan (TAP) for the...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
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Catàleg de recursos didàctics i per a la investigació de les ciències socials

The main purpose of this catalogue is precisely what its name indicates: to offer a wide range of carefully selected connections to be able to in...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
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  Gestió del departament d'orientació

The material presented is an application of the office suite LibreOffice to facilitate the management of the Guidance Department of a centre. Thi...
  PVP: 10,00€   PDF: 4,30€
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Orientación educativa y alta capacidad

The goal of this publication is to make known a material which serves as a referent and turning point, at the same time to offer a resource to he...
  PDF: 5,15€
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  Videogiochi di ruolo, simulazioni al computer, robot e realtà aumentata come nuove tecnologie per l'apprendimento

Appart from serving as training and a good channel for distributing information, new technologies also offer pedagogical advantages and can be ve...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Role-games, computer simulations, robots and augmented reality as new learning technologies

New technologies apart from being utilized for entertainment and as a good channel for broadcasting information, it also offers pedagogic advanta...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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  Videojuegos de rol, simulaciones por ordenador, robots y realidad aumentada como nuevas tecnologías para el aprendizaje

New technologies apart from being utilized for entertainment and as a good channel for broadcasting information, it also offers pedagogic advanta...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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TIC: un reto para adolescentes y padres

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have caused a deep change in the society in the last decades, a transformation that influence spe...
  PVP: 15,00€   PDF: 6,45€
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Informació proporcionada per:

Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I

Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions
Edifici de Rectorat i Serveis Centrals
Campus del Riu Sec
Tel.: +34 964728819 - Fax: +34 964728832
Adreça electrònica: publicacions@uji.es
Universitat Jaume I
Campus del Riu Sec, 12071
Castelló de la Plana
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