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   Collection: Educació  Serial Number: 23
   ISBN: 978-84-17429-88-1

Title: Les invisibles. Educació afectivosexual des de les ciències socials
Authorship: Pitarch Centelles, Laia
Pages: 62
Size: 21 X 29
Edition: 1 (2019)
Price: 12,00 €
Language: Català
Binding: Rústica cosida
Support: Paper
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Affective-sexual education is a process that consists in acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs and values concerning gender, sexuality, affectivity and the body. It is a reality scarcely dealt with in the classroom, but essential for the development of equitable human relationships.
Through the life stories of lesbian and bisexual women who lived during Franco’s regime, this book seeks to question social beliefs, gender roles and the myths concerning romantic love that limit our sexualities. It also addresses autoeroticism and narrates the first sexual experiences from a rational point of view. The different topics are addressed while narrating a chronological story about Francoism, from the period immediately after the war to the last years of the regime.
In short, this material provides tools for teachers to work on affective-sexual education as part of the curricular content of the subject of History and promotes the recovery of historical memory and of the LGTBIQ+ community.

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