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Home > Publications > Biblioteca de les Aules

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   Collection: Biblioteca de les Aules  Serial Number: 20
   ISBN: 978-84-8021-784-2

Title: La cultura exiliada
Authorship: Fortuño Llorens, Santiago (ed.)
 Meseguer Pallarés, Lluís Bartomeu (ed.)
 Nos Aldás, Eloísa Fernanda (ed.)
 Porcar Orihuela, Juan Luis (ed.)
Pages: 590
Size: 15 X 21
Edition: 1 (2011)
Price: 26,00 €
Language: Espanyol
Binding: Rústica
Support: paper

The biographies and the works about the exiled culture of the Spanish War 1936-1939, and the historical period in which they were produced, make up a scientific, historical and literary matter at the same time. The book has as authors around dozens of personages, researchers and specialists related to the culture of the first half it the XX century. The studies come from the Cultural Exile Meeting ( Jaime I University and the Max Aub Foundation, December 2009) celebrated within the international framework of congresses Seventy years after, commemorating the exile of the Spanish War and the Francoism.

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